
joi, 15 ianuarie 2015

jumping rope

Jump Rope Training

In addition to the obvious physical benefits, jumping rope is fun. There are always new footwork patterns that you can develop and practice.
But wait, it gets better.
You can purchase a quality jump rope for $5 or less. In the video clip below, you will see me spinning a rope that I bought for $3.75. You will not find a more effective conditioning tool for less than $5. To top it off, you can easily pack a jump rope with you no matter where you travel.
Unfortunately, despite the obvious benefits, most athletes outside of the boxing gym are unfamiliar with jump rope training. Many strength and conditioning coaches have replaced the jump rope with more elaborate and expensive training tools.
I have seen entire seminars dedicated to footwork and agility. Coaches charge hundreds of dollars to teach many techniques which could instead be developed with a $5 rope.
The jump rope is a tried and true method for improving conditioning and coordination. If you have never jumped rope before, you can expect a challenge. The rope can be frustrating to a beginner. You will not become proficient with the rope overnight.
It takes time and practice. It has been said before that practice is the mother of all skills. These words definitely apply to jump rope training.
Many athletes attempt the rope, get frustrated and quickly find alternative conditioning tools. Do not allow your frustration to interfere with your development as an athlete.

Getting Started

first, you need to purchase a quality rope. I recommend a light weight plastic speed rope. In my opinion, these ropes are more effective than heavier leather ropes and weighted ropes. The speed rope will allow you to maintain a much faster spinning pace. You can find a quality rope at most sporting good stores or through any boxing equipment supplier.
After locating a rope, you must determine the ideal length. Common rope lengths range from 8-to-10 feet. Most ropes that you find on store shelves will be 9 feet. A 9-foot rope will be long enough for most athletes who are 6 feet tall or shorter. Athletes over 6 feet tall may require a 10-foot rope.
Typically, you may need to adjust your rope. I often snip 2 or 3 inches off a 9-foot rope to increase its speed (per my height). One way to determine the ideal length is to step one foot in the middle of the rope. The handles should reach up to approximately armpit height.
You may get lucky and not require any adjustments to the rope. We all have unique body types however, so you must determine the ideal length for your rope. I simply caution you against trimming too much from the rope. After you cut the rope, you cannot go back and fix it. Trim one inch at a time and test each length.
Lastly, I recommend hanging your rope from a hook when you are finished using it. This will prevent the rope from becoming tangled. If you jumble the rope in your gym bag, it may develop kinks which will impede spinning speed.

Jumping Surface

After you find a good rope, you need to find a place to use it. I recommend jumping rope on a shock absorbent surface such as a wood floor, gym mat, outdoor track or tennis court. If you train at a boxing gym, you may wish to jump rope inside the ring. The ring surface is forgiving to the ankles and feet.
You can also purchase an interlocking foam mat that lies on top of your floor surface. These mats are useful if your gym has a concrete floor. The interlocking foam forms a temporary jumping surface. Try to avoid jumping rope on unforgiving surfaces such as concrete flooring.
In addition to a shock absorbing surface, you should wear a quality pair or cross-training shoes when skipping rope. I do not recommend wearing your boxing or wrestling shoes when jumping rope. Such shoes do not provide much cushion for the feet. Stick with quality cross-trainers when using the rope.

Skill First, Then Conditioning

When first jumping rope, it is important that you become proficient with the rope before using it as a conditioning tool. If you have never jumped rope before, you can expect some initial frustration. You must first view your rope sessions as skill workouts.
You need to develop skill with the rope, and then add it to your conditioning arsenal. If you try to use the rope for conditioning before developing skill with the rope, you are setting yourself up for failure and frustration.
Start with frequent, yet short jump-rope sessions. For example, start with 20-second intervals on the rope. Just try to skip for 20 seconds without tripping on the rope. Keep the intervals brief, and stop before fatigue mounts.
View these sessions as skill-based workouts. You are learning a new skill (rope skipping). The body is much more capable of learning when it is fresh, not fatigued.
Perform these skill emphasis sessions regularly. Frequent practice is recommended. Eventually, you will move past 20 seconds, and begin working with 1, 2, and 3-minute rounds. Many boxers will skip rope for several rounds during each training session. 30-to-60 seconds of rest will separate each round.
For example:
  • 6 x 3 minutes jump rope
  • Rest 60 seconds between rounds

Rope Skipping Styles

Jumping rope is as challenging as you make it. There are endless jumping patterns and styles. I've heard some trainers describe the jump rope as boring. Anyone who describes the rope as boring does not know how to jump rope. There is always a new skill that you can learn to keep the conditioning session enjoyable and challenging.
Running in place with the rope is one of the easiest rope skipping patterns to learn. You will remain stationary, lifting the knees high with each turn of the rope. You will essentially be running in place with high knees, with the addition of a fast spinning rope. This style of rope work is easy to learn, and excellent for conditioning.
Double unders are another popular skipping pattern. To perform a double under, you will make two turns of the rope for every one jump. Keep the feet together, jumping with both feet at the same time. This style of skipping is more difficult to learn.
Do not attempt double unders until you become proficient with the running in place variation. Eventually, you can begin performing one or two double unders, at the conclusion of a running in place sequence. For example, spin the rope 10 times while running in place, and then finish with 1 or 2 double unders.
Stop and repeat this sequence several times. The next step is to perform a double under without losing control of the rope. Rather than stopping after the double under, you will continue by transitioning back to running in place with the rope (without stopping). In time, you will develop the ability to perform several consecutive double unders.
To add to the coordination requirements of rope skipping, you can begin working with criss-cross patterns. You can perform a criss-cross while performing double unders or with the traditional running in place style of rope work.
To perform a criss-cross, you will cross the arms at the elbows on the downward swing of the rope. Jump through the loop of the rope that is formed in front of your body. Uncross the arms on the next downward swing. Continue to criss-cross the rope in this alternating fashion.
The criss-cross offers one way to interrupt the monotony of continuous rope skipping. You can integrate a criss-cross to spice up the rope session. You will eventually develop the skill to quickly integrate criss-crosses with high-speed rope turning.
These jump rope styles are just three of countless variations. I encourage you to develop new jumping styles (ex. one leg double unders). Continue to challenge yourself with new rope skipping patterns. Do not limit yourself to the same style of rope work (ex. running in place). Mix it up to promote improvements in coordination and agility.
One way to incorporate variety is by traveling frontward, backward, and side-to-side. For example, run in place with the rope while traveling around the perimeter of a square. Move forward, sideways (right), backward and then sideways (left), ending back at the starting point.
By incorporating frontward, backward, and lateral movement, you will improve footwork and agility, while simultaneously improving endurance.

Jump Rope Workouts

There are several options for jump rope workouts. The most obvious choice is to train with the rope for timed rounds. For example, many boxers will train with 2 or 3-minute rounds. During the round, they will alternate between faster-paced work (ex. double unders) and less-intense skipping (ex. jogging or running in place with the rope).
This style of rope work will mimic the physical demands of an actual boxing round. Each round contains intense moments (ex. throwing punches) followed by lulls in activity (ex. circling the ring).
You can use the rope to replicate these physical demands. With regular practice, you will be able to maintain a fast pace throughout the round.
Another option is to perform full speed intervals with the rope. For example, you will spin the rope as fast as possible for 60 seconds.
Stick with a full speed run in place style of spinning or double unders. There should be no lulls in activity. Maintain a full speed effort.
You can then rest 20-to-60 seconds between intervals. The amount of rest will depend largely on your level of conditioning and proficiency with the rope. Strive to improve your work rate per round, while decreasing the rest required between intervals. A sample workout could consist of 6 x 1-minute intervals, each separated by 30 seconds of rest.
Another option is to use the rope as part of a circuit training routine. You can mix and match rope work with several bodyweight exercises to develop a brief, yet intense conditioning routine.
One routine could include the following:
  • 100 Rope Turns
  • 10 Burpees
  • 10 Pushups
  • 10 Bodyweight Squats
Repeat the circuit 10 times.
For this circuit, you will work through these 4 exercises as fast as possible. Your goal is complete 10 circuits, resting only when necessary. Advanced athletes will be able to work through the entire routine without stopping.
Another option is to combine circuit work with timed rounds. For example, perform the following sequence as many times as possible during a 2 or 3-minute round:
  • 50 Double Unders
  • 5 Burpees
Perform 4 rounds, resting 1 minute between rounds.
Jump rope training can also be performed as a finisher. Simply close the workout with a 5 or 10-minute round. Work to maintain a fast pace throughout the extended interval. The use of an intense finishing movement will ensure the workout was of adequate intensity. In addition to building endurance, the finisher will enhance mental toughness.
You will be forced to 'finish' with one last display of endurance and agility. Many finishers such as a heavy sandbag carry do not require agility and coordination. The jump rope is different. It is not enough to display endurance. You must also remain cognizant of tripping over the rope.
A skill-based finisher has obvious benefits. Consider an athlete who must fight hard during one final round. It is not enough to plunge forward without skill. The athlete must display skill despite the unbearable fatigue. The jump rope is just one of many ways to train this ability.


The jump rope reigns among the pound-for-pound champions when it comes to a training tool that provides a quality workout without breaking the bank account. For $5, you can buy a rope that will enhance numerous physical qualities.
There is no reason to neglect such a valuable training tool. I highly recommend the addition of a jump rope to your weekly training program. You can work with the rope several days per week.

joi, 18 octombrie 2012

                                                      Great ab exercise

Chest work-out! Must read

5 Chest Workouts For Mass - A Beginner's Guide!

Learn how beginners can build a massive chest! This guide discusses the chest, its function and recommended exercises. Try these 5 great chest workout programs for size!
Does your chest resemble a sheet of plywood instead of the mountains of muscle you want? Does your chest resemble a sheet of plywood instead of the mountains of muscle you have always wanted? Do you spend countless hours on the bench press with no gains in size? Have you started to think that you were just not meant to have a big chest? Well, stop right there, you're wrong ...
I can't promise you will ever have the chest of the great Arnold Schwarzenegger, but I can promise that you can make a difference to your chest and put some great size on it if you are willing to just hear me out.
In the article below, I will discuss the anatomy of the chest, its function and location in the body, and some exercises for each area of the chest. Finally, and what you have been waiting for, I will include five of my favorite workout programs to help turn your flat chest into massive slabs of muscle!

Chest Anatomy & Recommended Exercises

The chest is made up of two muscles that work together to make the chest function. The muscle are the pectoralis major and pectoralis minor. Basically, the pectoralis minor is located directly underneath the pectoralis major. Overall, these chest muscles start at the clavicle and insert at the sternum and the armpit area (humerous).
The three different functions of the chest muscles are the side arm pitching motion, the ability to bring your arm up and down at your sides, and the classic arm wresting motion. The basic recommended exercises for building up your chest include the bench press and flyes.

Chest Building Pointers

Though the chest is made up of one single mass of muscle, it should be trained like it was broken into 3 parts. The upper, middle and lower portions of the chest are stimulated best from changing the angle in which you execute the exercise.
The upper chest is best stimulated from exercises done on a 30-45% incline bench. For example incline barbell and dumbbell bench press or incline dumbbell flyes are great upper chest exercises.
The middle chest is best stimulated from exercises done on a flat bench. For example: flat barbell and dumbbell bench press or flat dumbbell flyes are great middle chest exercises.
The lower chest is best stimulated from exercises done on a 30-45% decline bench. For example: decline barbell and dumbbell bench press or decline dumbbell flyes are great lower chest exercises.
I find all areas of the chest respond best in the beginning to low (4-6) or moderate (8-12) rep ranges. Rarely, I will include higher rep ranges for beginners. I believe the heavier weight helps build a more solid foundation that beginners need. I also find that free weights should be your entire focus in the beginning, especially if chest is a weak point for you. The free weights just develop the chest a lot better than machines do, in my opinion.


duminică, 15 aprilie 2012

Antrenament triceps!!!

Fiecare barbat viseaza sa aiba brate puternice. Pentru a putea purta cu mandrie un tricou mulat ai nevoie sa stii exercitiile care stimuleaza cel mai bine cresterea tricepsului si cum le combini.  

Multi incepatori care calca pentru prima oara in sala de forta neglijaza tricepsul si isi consuma toata energia pentru a antrena bicepsul. Pentru a avea brate mari si puternice trebuie sa lucrezi inteligent. Pentru a pompa cat mai mult sange in brate trebuie sa lucrezi bicepsul si tricepsul intr-un singur antrenament.

Daca esti deficitar la triceps este indicat sa incepi cu un exercitiu de baza pentru triceps. Exercitiile de baza sunt impinsul cu bara din culcat, cu priza ingusta, flotarile la paralele, extensia bratelor cu bara, din culcat, pe spate si flotarile cu spatele intre doua banci paralele.

Majoritatea culturistilor profesionisti lucreaza intre 12-15 serii pe antrenament la grupele mici (biceps, triceps, umeri, antebrat etc), intre 3-4 exercitii a cate 3-4 serii.

Se lucreaza un exercitiu cu greutati mari, la care pui destula greutate cat sa poti executa 6-8 repetari corecte, iar la urmatorul exercitiu reduci din greutate si faci cate 12-15 repetari. Mai jos aveti cateva exemple de exercitii care stimuleaza cel mai bine cresterea tricepsului.

Pentru un antrenament sanatos trebuie sa combini un exercitiu de masa (exercitiu de baza, care solicita mai multe grupe musculare si includ miscari in jurul mai multor articulatii), cu unul de izolare (exercitiu care iplica o singura articulatie) pentru fiecare grupa.

Exercitii de baza:

1) Impins cu bara la bara orizontala, din culcat, cu priza ingusta

2) Flotarile la paralele (Pentru a concentra efortul pentru triceps trebuie sa fii cat mai aplecat in fata)

3) Extensia bratelor din culcat pe spate, cu bara

4) Flotari cu spatele intre doua banci paralele

Exercitii de izolare:

5) Extensia bratelor la scripete, cu priza tip supinatie

6) Extensia bratelor cu gantera

7) Extensia bratului din aplecat, cu gantera

8) Extensia bratelor la scripete, cu priza tip pronatie pe bara V

miercuri, 4 aprilie 2012

Bang Out 100 Push-Ups

Even if you have no aspirations to join the Marines, you have to admit that knocking out a set of 100 push-ups at a clip would be pretty heroic—not to mention it would give you awesome upper-body strength and endurance. We asked three top coaches for a plan to get you there.
“Train three days a week. On Day 1, do 3–4 sets of weighted pushups for 12–15 reps. Day 2, bench-press for 3–4 sets of 8–10 reps. Day 3, do regular push-ups for 2–3 sets of 20–25 or more reps. Each week, increase the load on the first two days and increase the reps on the third. You’ll get there in a few weeks to a few months.”

“Find your current push-up max. Perform a push-up and pause at the top for three seconds. Then do another rep. Repeat until you’ve done half your max number. Rest for three minutes, and repeat the process until you’ve completed twice your max number of reps in total.”
Mike Scialabba, Owner of Missoula Underground Strength Training in Missoula, MT

luni, 2 aprilie 2012

Mentinerea greutatii!

 Multe persoane care incep sa faca sala doresc o definire armonica a corpului, si doresc ca dupa cateva sedinte sa se vada si progresele. Categoric este foarte dificil sa se vada niste rezultate intr-un timp atat de scurt, corpul este format pe parcursul a anii de zile, si depozitele de grasime sunt inevitabil in locurile nedorite.
 Pentru a avea niste efecte vizibile este indicat parcurgerea unor etape in stabilirea unei tinte, atat de marire de masa cat si de pierdere in greutate.
 Din acest motiv de a atinge "idealul" pe parcursul unui timp scurt de timp, conduce in majoritatea cazurilor la accidentari. Astfel, se pierde rapid dizpozitia de a mai intra intr-o sala de fitness.
 Indicat este pentru inceput sa se consulte cat mai multe informatii despre nutritie, antrenamente cat si alte lucruri esentiale pentru a duce la final planul initial.

duminică, 1 aprilie 2012

legume toxice

Cât de nocive pentru organism sunt legumele din supermarket

FOTO: Mediafax// Alexandru Solomon
Fără gust, lipsite de nutrienţi, aţoase şi chiar lemnoase, dar cu aspect frumos, aşa arată legumele pe care le cumpărăm din comerţ. "Spre deosebire de acum 20 de ani, legumele pe care le mâncăm au avantaje agronomice: sunt aspectoase, rezistă în timp şi cresc destul de repede", a declarat, pentru gândul, prof. dr. Gheorghe Mencinicopschi, directorul Institutului Naţional de Cercetări Alimentare. Specialistul atenţionează însă că, deşi punctează la capitolul imagine, legumele nu stau la fel de bine şi la capitolul beneficii aduse organismului nostru. Practic, legumele nu mai au gust pentru că provin din soiuri hibrid, speciale pentru seră. "Aceste soiuri sunt create special de om, prin selecţie artificială, pentru a avea o producţie mare de legume. Soiurile pure nu dau producţii mari. Un bun exemplu este soiul roşiilor "inimă de bou", care sunt gustoase, neaspectuoase şi cărnoase. Din păcate, acestea se deteriorează rapid şi nu au o producţie mare", spune prof. dr. Mencinicopschi.
Legumele sunt tratate chimic ca să reziste mai mult
Indiferent dacă sunt de producţie internă sau de export, legumele sunt fără gust şi nutrienţi. Ele sunt tratate chimic înainte de a ajunge pe masa noastră, iar substanţele folosite au efecte negative asupra organismului, provocând intoxicarea ficatului, a rinichilor şi a sistemului nervos central, avertizează nutriţioniştii.
Astfel, legumele sunt supuse unor tratamente cu pesticide şi pulverizate cu tot felul de substanţe toxice menite să le mărească rezistenţa în timp. "Cea mai bună soluţie este să mâncăm fructe şi legume atunci când este sezonul lor", recomandă Mencinicopschi.
Tabără: Serele din Olanda şi Spania produc sute de tone de legume pe hectar
Piaţa autohtononă este invadată pe timpul iernii de legume aduse din import. Spania, Olanda, Italia, Turcia, Israelul şi Egiptul sunt ţările de provenienţă a acestor alimente. "Legumele care se găsesc în această perioadă a anului sunt în mare parte aduse din ţări aflate în zona mediteraneană, acolo unde iernile sunt mai blânde. Roşiile şi castraveţii care se găsesc în pieţe, supermarket-uri şi hipermarket-uri sunt cu precădere din Turcia, Spania şi Olanda", a declarat, pentru gândul, Valeriu Tabără, fostul ministru al Agriculturii.
Deputatul susţine că, deşi provin din ţări unde temperaturile sunt ridicate, roşiile şi castraveţii de import sunt crescute în sere. "În Olanda şi Spania sunt sere înalte, nu ca în România scunde, unde dintr-un singur hectar se pot obţine câteva sute de tone de legume", a mai precizat Tabără.
El spune că roşiile şi castraveţii pe care îi mâncăm în sezonul rece sunt soiuri speciale pentru sere. "În Germania, de exemplu, se foloseşte un soi de castraveţi care este altoit cu unul de dovleci. Aceştia sunt mai sănătoşi, au mai multe substanţe nutritive şi sunt mai rezistenţi la bolilele specifice acestei legume. Soiul de castraveţi rezultat nu este tratat cu atât de multe substanţe chimice ca în cazul celor care nu sunt altoiţi cu dovleci", explică Valeriu Tabără.
Mai mult, contează şi modul în care legumele sunt crescute. De exemplu, în cazul roşiilor există sere speciale, iar legumele nu mai cresc în pământ, ci în substanţe nutritive. "În Olanda, de exemplu, sunt întâlnite serele cu substrat umed. Roşiile obţinute din substrat umed sunt cele care arată frumos şi sunt mari. Acestea sunt crescute în substanţe hidroponice, adică substanţe nutritive", povesteşte fostul ministru al Agriculturii.
Dacă în mod normal, anual se obţine o singură producţie, cu ajutorul serelor şi a soiurilor speciale se obţin roşii şi castraveţi şi de trei ori pe an: o dată în sezon şi de două ori în extrasezon.
Ce dezvăluie aspectul unei legume
Nutriţioniştii susţin că legumele cumpărate iarna au un conţinut mai ridicat de chimicale, comparativ cu cele pe care le cumpărăm în sezonul cald. Mencinicopschi recomandă achiziţionarea legumelor importate din ţări apropiate României. Motivul? Acestea sunt tratate mai puţin cu substanţe care să le ajute să reziste trasportului. "Din păcate, aspectul unui aliment nu ne poate spune dacă conţine sau a fost tratat cu foarte multe substanţe chimice, doar rezultatele de laborator pot arăta acest fapt", spune profesorul.
Cum să păstrezi legumele iarna
Cartofii, morcovii, ceapa şi usturoiul sunt legume care pot supravieţui chiar şi în timpul sezonului rece, important este modul de depozitare. Prof. dr. Mencinicopschi recomandă ca acestea să fie ţinute în locuri răcoroase. "Morcovii pot fi depozitaţi într-o lădiţă cu nisip, iar cartofii - îngropaţi în pământ, iar atunci când îi vom scoate vor arăta ca proaspăt cultivaţi".
Dacă nu sunt depozitaţi corespunzător, cartofii pot deveni toxici pentru organism atunci când încep să încolţească.
Pentru a evita efectele negative ale acestora trebuie înlăturate toate porţiunile înverzite şi încolţite. Partea galbenă din cartof care rămâne este sigură pentru consum.